Mon 27 Jan
~~LaDy In ReD To MaKe Ur dAy SpEcTaCuLaR WiTh $$$ LoW RaTeS All Day!!!!!~~~~~ - 28
(Madison, west madison)
🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘Just arrived at Madison 🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘Hot Young Asian girl for special🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘 - 22
(Madison, McFarland/ Madison East/ Asian arrived)
°.|||:::.... INCALLS 100 ËBÔN¥ BOMBSHELL ...:::||| °100 incalls 24/7 - 19
(Madison, EAST MADISON 100 INCALLS ..)
* ❤ * ❤ * Irish Playmate - Clean & Safe location - Incall only * ❤ * ❤ * - 26
(Close to Ho-Chunk Casino)
:¦:L O O K :¦: * HOT §ExY LATINA* * :¦:L O O K :¦: - 24
✪✪✪ L_E_T_ ✪ _M_E_ ✪ _T_A_K_E _ ✪ Y_O_U_R_ ✪ _B_R_E_A_T_H_ ✪ _A_W_A_Y ✪✪✪ - 21
(Madison, Out Calls Only (Madison))
@@@@ Crem *d* Ella*Crem@@@@ Cream Anywhere U **Like*~_ Naughty Fun This W@@@@@Y Upscale Gent's - 21
(Centr@l M@dison)
**I** :: Lexi Keep The Real Man Coming Back 4 More %199.99% Real LEXI Madison Finest $$120$$ Allday - 22
(Madison...Will Travel 35min notice)
I Am "Miss. Michelle" I Have Sent A Scroll To My King, ) You Don't Have To Behave All The TIme~~
(South Milwaukee Near Miller Park)
🌀💐HOT ASIAN 🌀💐🌀💐 5 Star Service🌾🌀🌷NEW in Town 🌾🌀🌾Top service🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 SUNNY INCALL - 21
(Madison, Madison East Airport/ SUNNY)
★★💎★★High class blondes Do It Better! Petite I Got what you want!★★💎★★ - 19
(Madison, Madison IN/OUT)
¥¤¥ hi guys, beautiful white female that's new to madison, free back rub with visit¥¤¥ - 19
(East madison)
★ ▬▬▬▬★EXOTIC PLAYMATE★ ▬▬▬▬ ★CaLL NoW★▬▬▬▬ ★ONE OF A KiND★ ▬▬▬▬ ★ Party Girl▬▬▬▬ - 24
(Madison, madison/dells surrounding areas)
^^!!!!!!- *:::::* ExXxOtiC *::::::::::* EbOnY *::::::::::* BoMbShELL *:::::*- !!!!!!!^^ - - 23
***eNd YoUr YeAr WiTh An EXPLOSION!!!*** SEXY hOt ~N~ rEaDy call NOW - 21
(Madison, Baraboo, Wisconsin Dells, portage, madis)
*☆* FiVe St★R * BruNEttE BoMBsHeLL * SeXXy HoTT * PaRtY GiRl *☆* - 22
(Madison, madison and surrounding areas)
▒.█.▒ ▄█ ♥ █▄ ▒.█.▒ FuN SiZe CuTiE ▄█ ♥ █▄ RoUnD JuiCy BoOtY ▒.█.▒ ▄█ ♥ █▄ ▒.█.▒ (( NeW NuMbEr )) - - 23
(Madison, Madison/West Madison)
~ Emerce Yourself in Me! ~Bliss, Exstasy & Pure Satisfaction!~ *{Highly Reviewed & UP EARLY!!} * - 27
(Madison, { East Side!! } *IN Call Avail Only!*)
Every Hot Provider at every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Dirty Details
(In your city)
»Don't worry Highly Reviewed JESSICA will be back this WEDNESDAY. Happy Memorial Day!« - 26
(Madison EAST Upscale)
(¯`'.¸EvErY BoY's WiSh * EvErY HuSbAnD's SeCreT *EvErY MaN's FaNtAsy * ¸.'´¯) 9*0 $pEcIaL - 19
(Madison, 90$ INCALLS)
Early Bird Specials .... The Ultimate Experience .....Toys , Porn , & More ***** Five Star Service - 27
*COMING SOON* New Pics* *VERY sexy! THICK! curvey! PRETTY! great shape *Juicy Booty* {in-out calls} - 22
(Madison / surrounding areas)
♦ ♢ ♦ ♢ ♦ ♢ ♦ ♢Diamond Escorts, LLC (ESTABLISHED SERVICE!)♦ ♢ ♦ ♢ ♦ ♢ ♦ ♢ - 28
(Janesville, Janesville, Madison, Kenosha / Racine, Madison, Milwaukee)
👭💏👅Double the Fun x Available ALL Day x Specials! x 👄❤ - 22
(Madison, Madison and Surrounding Areas)
»-(-★-)-» CuM pLaY wItH mE bAbY i'm ALL WET!!! Dripping Wet N very Naughty ★ 75 HH - 24
(East Madison)
💜 CRYSTAL IS ______ UP ALL NIGHT! ✨ __________ OUTCALL 【εxoтɪc】 ✧ ʙεαυтʏ • ʙʀαɪɴs • ʙoɒʏ ✧ 💋 - 25
(Madison, Outcall to Madison & Surrounding Areas)